La Manta Foods would not exist without a strong and reliable supply network: agricultural companies that subscribe to protocols based on different cultivation systems and are not simply suppliers.
The success of our company is based on the ability to have developed collaborative and trusting relationships with our supply chain over the years. This relationship involves regular meetings aimed at monitoring all stages of cultivation, which are complemented by analyses and product sampling.
Il successo della nostra azienda si basa sulla capacità di aver sviluppato negli anni dei rapporti di collaborazione e fiducia con la nostra filiera. Tale rapporto prevede incontri periodici mirati al monitoraggio di tutte le fasi della coltivazione che si completano con analisi e campionamenti del prodotto fornito.
Our company was one of the first to obtain organic certification. In 1992, even before becoming a fruit processing company, our products that were being marketed had received CCPB certification.
Even then, we recognized the importance of selecting our suppliers to ensure a product of superior quality, resulting from organic farming that relies primarily on the use of natural antagonists present in the environment.
We have nurtured and perfected the organic choice over time, and today, 80% of the fruit we process is destined for our organic sector (especially Organic and Organic Babyfood).

Behind our work, there are no multinational corporations or entities solely focused on profit. We are a company of practical individuals who understand the value of keeping our word and respecting established agreements. We have always sought and pursued principles that go beyond mere business, which is why we select reputable companies committed, just like La Manta Foods, to the pursuit of quality.
We put our own face and reputation first. For us, transparency is a significant added value. Our long experience attests that there have never been any issues with our fruit purees or apple juices, as confirmed by our clients and numerous laboratory analyses conducted during and after production.
We always strive to give our best and meet customer needs through a “tailored” production of our purees, both single-varietal and specially formulated blends.
All of this is achieved while maintaining strict control on multiple levels:
- Monitoring the agricultural practices of our suppliers according to established protocols.
- Conducting analyses on samples of incoming fruit batches.
- Constantly analyzing key parameters during processing (one analysis per hour).
- Having external laboratories conduct analyses on the finished product.
Meeting the standards required by our customers demands a high level of attention and verification, which is achieved through continuous innovation of tools and processes. That’s why, in 2021, we established an internal laboratory and consistently invest in new technologies, as well as agronomic research.